Water Problems

Water is the universal solvent, absorbing a little of almost everything it makes contact with, unfortunately this results in several issues that can be detrimental to your home and your health.

Bad Taste and Odor.


Water supplies contain various elements; some as a result of a natural process and some as a result of man adding elements to the water supply.

In the case of natural elements, water is a universal solvent that picks up a little of everything it makes contact with such as iron, manganese and sulfer. In the case of mans intervention, the most common element added to the water supply is chlorine.



Whether it be a natural or man-made elements added to your drinking water, the result may be an offensive taste and odor.  Rotten egg smell, ?swimming pool smell? and metallic taste are just some of the descriptions frequently reported by consumers.


The Right solution:

The MaxPack, designed and manufactured by Hague Quality Water, is a water treatment and R.O. combination system that eliminates offensive tastes and odors and provides customers with the highest quality water possible.